Gorkij Park 2

Here the bitter cold and the fading dreams of utopia play the leading roles. Someone lost her skates and somebody else returns them.

You build a park based on your life, where you know every detail, every story of the tiniest twig in the park. But everyone else sees only birch trees, a rose garden and grass. What should you do? Put up signs with information? Have guided tours?

“Gorkij Park 2” is a completely independent sequel to the 80’s thriller Gorky Park, a Hollywood story with the KGB in fur hats, filmed in Helsinki due to the cold war that was going on at the time. This show takes its starting point in the film and deals with forgotten utopias, social realism and a curiosity about what really happened at Fjodors’ party. Had some guests actually glitter around the eyes?

Besides from the trouble of building a park based on someones life and trying to base a piece on a movie nobody seems to remember, we are doing fine. “Gorkij Park 2 “ is a place for recreation or a white board with arrows or just the longing for the world to be a better place.

Extra material is a guided audio tour through the house of Maxim Gorkij. (Not recommended.

“Gorkij Park 2”  premiered at Göteborgs Dans- & Teaterfestival the 14 th of May 2014. 

Special thanks to Kim Hiorthøy, Maria Zennström, Lisa Östberg, Irina Sandormirskaja, Inga-Lina Lindqvist, Lotta Eriksson, Liza Levitsakya for letting Gunilla interview them.

Co-producers: Göteborgs Dans- och Teaterfestival (NXTSTP), Steiricher Herbst (NXTSTP) and MDT.  This project is co-produced by NXTSTP, with the support of the Culture Programme of the European Union.

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» Review Kulturnytt
» Review Expressen

This is not a love story

– If you start with having a relationsship with something dead, like a stone. Then you can move on to trees and flowers and some animals. And finally , you can try with people.

This is not a love story is a story of two reluctant heroes – Kowalski and Vera.

At least that’s their names in one of the scenes. They talk, dance and never stop asking questions: Who did what? When? Where? And why?

A delicate search for context and connections, which always seem to be slightly beyond our reach, the journey becomes not about the destination, but the transformation and reflection along the way. The journey keeps starting over. Again and again as in a road movie dance.

Press quotes

“When the duo dance together, lightly, artlessly and freely, the irony falls away, exposing the unassuming person beneath. Pure perfection.”
Örjan Abrahamsson, Swedish daily Dagens Nyheter

..”a huge feel-good experience”
Cecilia Djurberg, Kulturnytt (Cultural news, Swedish Radio)

“A glorious gem”
Anna Ångström, Swedish daily Svenska Dagbladet

“This is not a love story is a charming performance“.
Eva Gustin, Teatermagasinet

"This is not a love story is intimate and simple, but takes you on a journey for which the globe is not big enough"
International Choice | Festivaldagkrant The Dodo, Rotterdam

"I wanted the rest of the audience to go away, so that I could watch the show alone, with a blanket, curled up on a sofa in the early hours of the morning."
Jamila Johnson-Small, Bellyflop Magazine